At ClemSoft we specialize in software for the Motion Control Industry… Areas of interest include CNC Software, DXF to G-Code conversions, Total Motion control Ethernet or bus cards in the PC (Galil Motion Control, Aerotech A3200), PC control of a PLC, and Data collection with Analog/Digital PC Cards (Measurement Computing Cards and
Typically, a machine is controlled by a PLC and a touch panel display (and it's a very viable solution). But today, with need for more data collection, reporting, and graphic intensive applications, replacing that touch panel display with a PC has allowed for more complex and “flexible” control. It is a little inefficient (not to mention difficult) to convert a dxf drawing to G-Code and then process that G-Code thru a PLC.
What have we done? CNC plasma cutters, milling machines, routers, laser welders, Hbots, spool winders, foam cutters, robotic crack detection, heart valve simulation, feed to length material dispensers, ballscrew preload testing, back gauges, high speed inspection systems, pick and place applications, robotic painting, fiber optic cable compression testing, DXF to G-code conversion, etc... We recently updated our CNC software to communicate with 6 Moog SmartMotors (ServoRobotics CNC) , as well as the very popular Dynatorch CNC Plasma Cutting table that includes Automatic Torch height control for Dynatorch. Recently the new version for Dynatorch using the Galil EtherCat controller and Estun drives.
We have experience with the following control systems: Galil EtherCat and Analog controls, Aerotech A3200, Animatics, Anaheim Automation, JRKerr, Automation Direct, Estun drives, Yaskawa SM series and inverter drives, Whedco (now owned by GE Fanuc), Baldor Mint Controls, or pretty much any motion control system.
Besides software, we also have built complete mechanical solutions. Some of our products include a CNC controlled EPS Foam "Hot Wire Computer Cutter" and a "Feed to Length and Cut" Knife. We aslo built simple cartesian XYZ robots for inspection and measurement data aquisition.
Today we offer free CNC software to the end user if you have Animatics motors. We support both the Class4 and Class5 series. The legacy CNC software for the Animatics Class 4 motors is ClemCNC. The ServoRobotics CNC is for the Class 5 Animatics motors.
4 axis control for Class 4 motors:

6 axis control for Class 5 motors:
